Hey Digital Nomad!

Thanks for attending my talk in the Digital Nomad Life Academy program. I hope you enjoyed the talk and found some helpful gold nuggets of information.

As promised, here is an offer created just for you—on the house—to help you build a website for your brand/business.

If you:

• Already have a website, drop your URL, and I’ll audit the home page for you (maybe more, if I have time)!

• Don’t have a website yet, feel free to ask me anything website-related!

I’m also available for a consultation to chat about what a website would look like for you and what it would cost. If you’d like to set up a free call to chat about your website, book in a free 30-minute call with me here.

Responses will be sent either via email or a Loom video recording within 48-72 hours!

If you want more assistance with building your brand, such as copy audits or copywriting, brand or business strategy, SEO things, or web design… let’s chat.

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